If you are about to implement an organizational change in your company, then you may already have an idea about some of the techniques you plan to use and the goals you want to achieve. However, before you implement your plan, you should check to make sure that you have avoided the following common pitfalls that will slow your organizational transformation or stop it altogether.  

Following Change Models Without Fully Understanding Them  

There are several valid methods to help guide you through the process of creating long term changes in your organization. For example, Lewin's Change Management Model, the McKinsey 7-S Model, and Kotter's 8-Step Change Model  each have important perspectives on how to achieve lasting change. However, it is easy to get caught up in some of these models, following them blindly without fully understanding how they apply to your organization. To avoid following the next organizational transformation fad, you should think critically about each change model presented to you and take the most relevant aspects of each model to create a custom model for your company. 

Also, keep in mind that sometimes your favorite change model will not work for your current organization. If you find that you are trying too hard to make a certain model fit your employees' needs, you may want to consult with a professional consultant about other models that could work better for you. 

Trying to Implement Ideas Without Concrete Plans 

When making large, sweeping changes to your organization, it can be easy to create vague goals that sound good but do not mean much. For example, you may say that part of your organizational plan is to increase work-life integration. This sounds important, but it is not actionable. It is important to create concrete plans that will be measurable in the future so you can tell how successful your change is. 

Underestimating Your Employees' Level of Resistance 

While creating new systems is an important part of organizational change, it is also important that your employees accept the new systems and utilize them effectively. To do this, you need to have a plan for getting each of your employees, at every level, to support your new systems. This should include creating ownership of the new system and addressing issues with company culture before they arise. Assuming that your employees will resist change can help you create a strong plan for implementing change more rapidly and successfully. 

Planning for the Short Term 

Successful organizational transformation lasts years. Often, companies create a short term plan to implement changes quickly. This may be successful for a few months, but slowly, employees return to their old methods and systems. It is important to create a plan that includes long term support for the changes you plan to implement. 

Relying Too Heavily on Training 

It is important to train your employees in the new methods you are using. However, it is possible to rely too heavily on training. Over-training your employees can make them resent the changes you are making and can make them frustrated with their work. Additionally, you may waste company resources by conducting unnecessary training. Instead of relying on company-wide training, you should create one or two short, high-impact training modules and find other methods for ensuring that knowledge and understanding of the new system is passed on, such as tutoring or mentoring. 

Organizational transformation can be exciting for your company. However, it can also be intimidating to the people who are responsible for spearheading the changes. If you feel overwhelmed or unsure about your plans for organizational transformation, you should discuss them with a consultant. 

For more tips on organizational transformation, contact a company like X Plane
